วันอังคารที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Astrology, the science of prediction, said to be the art of statistic. Talking about this science, there is the latest issue about a man who claimed to be the only successor of a special science of prediction named “Ba-Ri-Chart-Jet-Down” that could predict the people’s fate without knowing their birth date. It’s an unordinary way to predict. His slogan’s “Mor Krit Confirm”. He usually came out with famous people’s fate and the slogan that seem to mimic Mr. Rug, another senior fortune teller, who use the slogan “Mor Rug Fun-Thong”.

In my opinion, according to the news, I think it may be true that he inherits the only science that can be succeed just one person at a time but it depends on how good he can apply the knowledge and use it appropriately.

For the first reason, this kind of prediction seems like what the fortune teller called “Yarm Sarm Taa” which uses only time to predict what you want to know. You know that science depends on the fortune teller’s ability.

Second, the science of prediction is based on statistic. It has the possibility to be true or false, no matter how bad the precision of the fortune teller but there is still a chance to be corrected or how good he or she is. There is still a chance to go wrong too. For example, when you roll a dice, there is a chance that you can get six about sixteen percentage or one out of the six so may be you don’t need a special power to predict the first price lottery. It is just a chance.

Third, from his prediction which appeared in the news, his prediction is precise even though his precision is not from the science he learned but at least he is good at this. Such as his prediction that Noom Kunchai , moderator of Ratisamosorn was cheated and going to sue. For themselves, he said that he was shocked because this information knew only the member of his family.

So even the prediction and what happened are so amazing but there is no evidence that can prove how an ordinary man can tell what will open in the future. What is your idea?